What Are The Benefits Of Antimicrobial Plastics?

08 Sep.,2023


Plastic pollution is a topic currently dominating the global news feed. Recent statistics have shown that Europeans are responsible for staggering 25 million tonnes of plastic waste every year. This alarming figure has catapulted the EU into action, with Brussels now vowing to invest £310m into modernising plastics production. They are also aiming to eliminate single-use plastics, such as throw-away cutlery, straws and coffee cups, by 2030. The reality of plastic waste is even forcing supermarkets to acknowledge it as an environmental scourge, with the world’s first plastic-free food aisle recently being unveiled at Ekoplaza in Amsterdam.

With that in mind, we ask: what more can be done to help us win the war on plastic pollution? BioCote® recommends introducing antimicrobial technology into a greater range of plastic products. And here’s why.

Antimicrobial plastics last longer

Antimicrobial additives are proven to increase the functional lifetime of a plastic. Once manufactured into the material, they will work to minimise the presence of microbes such as bacteria that can cause the plastic to degrade quicker. This means that a product made from antimicrobial plastic is more durable, and so does not have to be discarded and replaced as quickly. This helps to reduce the output of resources in manufacturing due to there being fewer, but better quality, products being made. This shift from quantity to quality is key to progressing towards sustainable production.

Antimicrobial plastics are more hygienic to use

Last year, the UK government proposed a 25p ‘Latte Tax’ on disposable coffee cups in a bid to discourage people from adding to the 2.5 million strong ‘cup mountain’ that plagues our environment every year. Although it has since been rejected, this levy has led to a surge in the purchase of reusable cups – but these are not without their issues.

Reusable cups can harbour high levels of bacteria – the leftover drink residues present a perfect source of nutrients to help them multiply rapidly during storage. Apart from encouraging better cleaning practices, this study has led to calls for reusable cups to carry antimicrobial product protection. The antimicrobial additive contained within the plastic can minimise the presence of microbes including bacteria, ultimately making the cup more hygienic to use. With a ‘super cup’ in their possession, we think people would be more than encouraged to ditch the disposables.

Antimicrobial plastics are protected against staining and bad odours

It is not uncommon for people to prematurely dispose of products due to their apparent ‘shabby’ appearance. Often, it’s bacteria that will cause unsightly staining and bad odours, leading plastics to go yellow in colour and/or harbour foul smells. Antimicrobial plastics are protected from the bacteria commonly responsible for these aesthetic fails. What’s more, the additives imbuing them with their antibacterial properties will not affect the clarity or performance of the plastics, meaning people are likely to keep them for longer.

Antimicrobial plastics will perform for their expected lifetime

Introduced at the stage of manufacture, antimicrobial additives will imbue a plastic with antibacterial and antimould properties for its expected lifetime. So, whether it is used to make a water bottle, a baby toy or a piping system, that antimicrobial plastic product will remain more hygienic for many years to come.

Antimicrobial plastics are in demand

According to Grand View Research, the demand for antimicrobial plastic is expected to soar over the coming years due to its increasing penetration in packaging and consumer products. There is also a rising demand for plastics as a substitute for traditional materials in medical instruments, including medical ventilators and anaesthetic machines.

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