Important Facts about Waterproof Polyurea Coatings

08 Jul.,2022

Polyurea coatings have some unique advantages that set them apart from other types of coatings; they also have some limitations and special requirements in order to apply them properly. This article explores some of the issues that arise when considering the use of these coatings.


Acrylic Sheethave some unique advantages that set them apart from other types of coatings; they also have some limitations and special requirements in order to apply them properly. This article explores some of the issues that arise when considering the use of these coatings.


What is Polyurea

Polyurea is an elastomeric substance derived from a stepwise polymerization that involves combining a synthetic resin and an isocyanate reactive material. Thus, the isocyanate part reacts with the resin blend component part through a gradual growth process of polymerization to produce polyurea.
Various formulations of the resin and isocyanate can provide the desired cure time, moisture resistance, coloration, flame retardancy and other unique properties.
Hybrid coatings are polyureas mixed in a predetermined ratio in polyurethane. Hybrid coatings provide some of the physical properties of pure polyurea at a lower cost.

Important Facts about Waterproof Polyurea Coatings

Uniqueness of Polyurea

Due to its unique physical properties and durability, no single coating system can successfully replace polyurea in all respects. However, it has very stringent surface preparation requirements.
Polyurea protects wood, concrete and steel surfaces and structures from abrasion and corrosion damage. It can help protect deteriorating concrete structures and help repair and keep canals intact. It resists scratches, chemicals, oil and salt in commercial and industrial flooring applications. It can also protect boats and other vessels by preventing cracking and deterioration.

Important Facts about Waterproof Polyurea Coatings


Applications of Polyurea Coatings

There are many applications that can benefit from polyurea coatings, including

Material Handling

Polyurea provides wear protection in mining and construction equipment, and provides linings for dump trucks used for abrasive materials. It protects conveyors and rollers in conveyor systems that transport abrasive coal, stone and metallic ores.

Pipelines, pumps and irrigation

Polyurea provides corrosion and wear protection for pipelines conveying abrasive and corrosive materials. It is used as a primer coating to prevent cathodic stripping.
It is used as a pump coating to reduce cavitation and erosion, and to improve pump output. It is also used as a waterproof liner for aquaculture ponds and pools, as well as for canal maintenance and leak prevention.

Health Care

Polyurea coatings seal cracks and prevent scratches that may occur from frequent scrubbing, thus minimizing the risk of bacterial growth. These coatings can help maintain sterile conditions in surgical areas, intensive care units and neonatal care units.

Concrete Bridges

Polyureas are used as initial coatings and as repair/maintenance coatings because of their fast curing ability, impact resistance, elongation and tensile strength. The structure (molecular chains) of polyurea makes it an elastomer with high durability. This is the secret of its applicability to construction and other fields.


Important Facts about Waterproof Polyurea Coatings


Spraying Methods

The high pressure method is suitable for very high volume coating jobs. The formulator must prepare a lower viscosity coating at working temperatures to ensure good fluid flow through the machine and a uniform surface thickness.
During the initial surface preparation, oily contaminants and dirt must be removed by methods such as sandblasting. The cleanliness of the surface should be checked to ensure that the polyurea coating has strong adhesion. This is a critical step to ensure the durability of the coating.

For more info about waterproof coatings and tapes, please contact DAYUWANG today.