9 Household Uses for Sodium Carbonate (Soda Ash)

21 Jul.,2023


A powerful natural cleaner thanks to it’s high alkalinity (pH 11), Sodium Carbonate (Na2CO3) is commonly known as Soda Ash. It’s an active ingredient in washing soda which is also called soda ash. This can make it confusing to differ between the two, but the most obvious difference is that sodium carbonate has a fine powder consistency whereas washing soda is grittier, heavier and clumpier because it contains more moisture.

On the other hand, the main difference between sodium carbonate and sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) is that the pH level of sodium bicarbonate is 8, which is much lower than sodium carbonate. Click here to read more about the difference between sodium carbonate and sodium bicarbonate on livestrong.com and differencebetween.net.

The sodium carbonate we sell at our store is mainly used for DIY fabric dyeing and laundry cleaning products. Though, there are many other uses for this versatile product! Today, we’re sharing with you 9 of our favorite household uses for sodium carbonate.

1. Dirty dish cloths and kitchen towels can be cleaned by soaking them in hot water with dissolved sodium carbonate. You can add up to 5 teaspoons (about 6g) of sodium carbonate to 1 liter of hot water. Let them soak for about 15-30 minutes (or for however long you prefer) before rinsing with clean water and hanging up to dry.

2. Sprinkle and dampen sodium carbonate with water on slimy tiles (from bacteria, soap scum, moss growth, etc). Leave it for a few hours before scrubbing it off and washing the tiles clean.

3. Sprinkle 2 tablespoons (about 28g) of sodium carbonate in your toilet bowl and leave it for 10 minutes before cleaning with brush.

4. Get rid of smells and stains on chopping boards by scrubbing them with a little sodium carbonate. Make sure to rinse thoroughly before using the board to prep cooking ingredients again.

5. As a pre-wash soak, you can soak clothes with tough stains like grease, blood, tea and coffee in a bucket with ½ cup (about 64g) of sodium carbonate to 8 liters of warm water.

6. Keep your drains clear by pouring 1/4 cup (about 85g) of sodium carbonate down the train and flushing with water. This can be done once a month.

7. For clogged drains, you can unclog them with a solution of 1 cup (about 340g) of sodium carbonate and 3 liters of boiling water. You might need to use this solution twice before you drain is completely unclogged and you can flush with water.

8. Clean garbage bins with up to 2 tablespoons (about 28g) of sodium carbonate dissolved in water to help remove grease, grime and dirt.

9. For general cleaning of hard surfaces (counter tops, floors, etc), a solution of with ½ cup (about 64g) of sodium carbonate to 4-8 liters of warm water.

We hope this post helps! 🙂

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